
Neighbors Empowered

This 10 week group workshop is for mothers or women with youth in their care to start getting ahead today!

  • Learn new information
  • Find tools & solutions to get UNSTUCK, start over, or change your life
  • Examine all areas of your life including resources, attitudes, and obstacles
  • Build new, supportive relationships
  • Start planning for the future
  • Focus on you!

Program Benefits

  • Family meal at every session
  • Paid a weekly stipend (gift card) for every session you attend
  • Free child supervision (age restrictions apply; space may be limited)
  • On-going support during & after to help reach your goals
  • Direct connection to resources, service providers, and community experts

“This program is excellent! It has been very helpful in connecting the dots in my life. I was involved in a few other programs that helped me identify and address barriers and the hidden class rules. It is life changing to be here!”

-Cycle 8 Graduate

Who is Eligible?

  • Mothers or women caregivers
  • Income under 200% of FPG
  • Able to attend all workshop sessions & willing to participate

Enrollment Process

  • Follow instructions to apply for the program
  • Complete a screening interview to determine eligibility. We will contact you to schedule after you apply.
  • If your application is accepted, attend orientation to complete registration.